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About Us


Founded in 1961, Southern Steel has been under the same family management for over 50 years, providing our customers with unparalleled service and quality. Our longevity demonstrates our ability to serve our customers well for many years, and we understand that in today's economic environment exceptional service at competitive prices is of utmost importance. 


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Check out our available positions here


475 North Dunlap Street

Memphis, TN 38105




Tristique nulla a, semper urna. Pellentesque ligula justo, ultrices eget ante quis, congue efficitur massa.


Phone 901.523.1170   |   Toll Free 800.264.2664   |   Fax 901.529.9225   |

475 North Dunlap Street, Memphis, TN 38105
©1961-2022 Southern Steel Supply Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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